Sunday, September 16, 2012


We have decided, really last moment to take a happened one evening, we three gathered around the computer, thinking about next year....when, low and behold, a cruise with Carnival popped up.....from New points along the East Coast and up into Canada....  We giggled....what a fabulous trip that would be but there is only one cruise week open and well.....I JUMPED.....Wait....THAT is the EXACT week that Sean has off from school.......

We are way packed....THIS IN ITSELF will be a new adventure..I have NEVER flown before a cruise.  Usually , I can take as much as I want, we either drive to the port or take the train and they are forgiving..This time?  Flying....I am limited...CAN I DO THIS?  I am one of those packers, that packs for all contingencies...You cannot do that when you as I pack school lunches, as I organize all other things....guess I will just have to organize what we will be wearing....and if we run short?   Hum.....either buy or Can you tell that I am nervous?

But I am excited to share the pics, the experiences and of course, my general meltdowns....did I mention....that ALSO we need to pack, well, the main thing that concerns me is the one night of 'glamour', we don't do the tux or gown thing, but a suit and cocktail CANNOT pack those things and have them presentable....deep breath........

All will be well, looking so forward to something spontaneous.....

love to all