Friday, March 25, 2011

Journey Begins

And away we go!  The first leg of the trip, it is a raining So. California day, perfect for traveling! 

Our day started early, we stayed the night at a Hilton in Anaheim, to get a good start without fighting the freeway traffic.  The Hilton was beautiful, reminded us of Vegas, everything you could want included in one place.  Starbucks and a good bed, I am one content woman :D.  We hopped on the northbound train to Los Angeles, and are now awaiting the train to take us to Emeryville.  This train will take at least 10 hours, so I will get in some quality ‘kindle’ time. 

I have decided that traveling in this century is obviously so much easier then when our ancestors made the trek.  I have my Starbucks, my Kindle and my Apple Devices.  As long as I have electricity to power these babies up when I run them low, I can survive…lol.

P.S. I have just been informed that due to an avalanche, they have closed down part of the track from Emeryville to Chicago.

The adventure continues….

Love to all

March 25, 2011

Continuing our saga…..two and ½ hours into our train trip, they are telling us that the track will not be opened for DAYS.   Looks like Sean may have his first airplane flight too!  This is a trip of firsts!  To e4?be continued…

1 comment:

  1. Wow, first airplane trip for you are gonna love it! Well you know the best laid plans..but you still have your kindle, apple and Starbucks, so ready, set, GO!!!!!
    Looking forward to your blogs. Sis
