Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Travels of the Adventurous Sort....

It is countdown time before our trip across the United States.  This is a trip we have taken a few times before, all times with young children...adventurous you say?  You bet!  Each time had it own stories, ups, downs, and a few meltdowns (mostly by me), but all in all, something the kids still talk about, and they are in their, ahem...30's....

We will be venturing across these great United States with our 11 year old (so close to 12, he reminds me each time I say 11, remember those days?).  He is so excited, our itinerary includes many historical sites, and one Broadway Play.....A stop at the White House, the Smithsonian, and so many other places, that I can NOT wait to share with you.. He has been to 10 states, and loves to travel as much as we do....he is good at it too, a real trouper!

This is the beginning of a great adventure.....join us and we will take you along!

love to all


  1. I shall be checking your blog to feel close you to you all and what you are doing. When leaving and when return? Have a blast!!

  2. Leaving tomorrow and will be return on the 10th...will miss you, maybe you can come when we do Europe? LOL....Sean wants to go to Hawaii and Europe! Love, that he loves to travel~~
